Are you willing to travel?
Absolutely, I’m just looking forward to an excuse to travel to new places, experience new areas, capture exciting environments. However obviously within reason and budget.. unless its Italy, fly me there and I will probably do it for free.
Do you shoot RAW or JPEG?
I shoot RAW. I love to edit my images to create more of what my mind really saw, and develop the images in my own artistic expression. Plus RAW files undeveloped look grey, flat, and lifeless. They lack boom!
Do you use photoshop?
A little bit yes. I do not remove scars and transform the way a person looks. I will remove the odd spot, or if there is an ugly distracting fire extinguisher, but no more than that.
How do I get my photos? How soon?
Your photos will arrive in about 6 weeks. I will upload them to an online gallery which you can then order your own printed format.
How many photos do you expect to deliver?
Thats a very hard question to answer. It will depend on how long you require me for example; from getting ready to last dance, or just the ceremony, how many people are attending, how much fun every one is having, how many portraits are required, if your pets are attending… I love photography so knowing me probably too many!